GCOST Member? Click Here!
ECC Member? Click Here!
HCCCY Member? Click Here!

How To Use This Site

About this Website

This website is sponsored by the Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation (FPBF), a funder that makes grants to non-profit organizations in Georgetown County. The FPBF prioritizes collaboration to maximize the ability of programs to serve children and youth from pre-natal and birth to adulthood who live in Georgetown County. It also prioritizes informing the parents and others about available services. What follows are directions of how to use this website if you are using it as a member of an organization or if you are using it as a parent or other.

Instructions for Organizations:

Information on the Collaborative Groups (Click to Expand)

We have three main service areas: Afterschool Services [the GCOST (Georgetown Out of School Time) Collaborative], Health Care Services [the Health Care Collaborative for Children and Youth (HCCCY)] and Birth to 5 Services.  The Birth to 5 Services (the Early Childcare Collaborative) has four major categories: the Early Learning Council (ELC)– an early childhood advocacy group; the Early Childcare Providers (ECP)– including the majority of the early childcare programs in Georgetown County; the Early Childcare Service (ECS) – the local and state regulatory and support services for early childcare programs; and the Live Well Georgetown County (LWGC) Early Learning Work Group (ELWG)– a work group that is committed to the primary prevention of physical health problems.

If you are a member of any of these groups, you have access to a password-protected Members’ Page as well as the Homepage for your group. If you want to find out more about the collaborative groups in each of these areas, click on one or more of these categories. You can contact the Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation at 842- 237-1222 if you are interested in participating.

Accessing the Calendar

Finding Useful Resources

Instructions for Parents and Others:

Information on the Collaborative Groups (Click to Expand)

This website is also for parents who are looking for services for their children and youth.

To see a list of the organizations that are members of the collaborative groups, click on the area or areas that address your needs.  The categories are as follows: Afterschool Services [the GCOST (Georgetown Out of School Time) Collaborative], Health Care Services [the Health Care Collaborative for Children and Youth (HCCCY)] and Birth to 5 Services.  The Birth to 5 Services (the Early Childcare Collaborative) has four major categories: the Early Learning Council (ELC)– an early childhood advocacy group; the Early Childcare Providers (ECP)– including the majority of the early childcare programs in Georgetown County; the Early Childcare Service (ECS) – the local and state regulatory and support services for early childcare programs; and the Live Well Georgetown County (LWGC) Early Learning Work Group (ELWG)– a work group that is committed to the primary prevention of physical health problems.

Click on one or more of them to see lists of member organizations and Directories of Services.

Accessing the Calendar

Finding Useful Resources