Georgetown County
Out-of-School-Time Collaborative

Who are we?
We are a group of out-of-school time practitioners whose mission is to increase the quality and sustainability of out of school time programs and services for children and youth in Georgetown County.
We share this mission, vision, and values:
Mission: Working together to increase the quality and sustainability of out of school time programs and services.
Vision: That every school-aged child in Georgetown County will have access to quality out-of-school time programs and services, promoting positive youth development and the prevention of at-risk behaviors.
Collaboration: We believe that success is heightened when one or more individuals, organizations or agencies participate and work on common goals.
Quality programming: We believe in quality programs that are centered around dignity, respect, positive learning environments, proper safety and supervision, and engaging experiences that promote positive youth development and the prevention of at-risk behaviors.
Commitment: GCOST is committed to providing opportunities for strategic training, the identification and development of resources and advocating for quality and accessible programs for school-aged children. As members of GCOST we commit to active participation in collaboration, the implementation of quality practices, and to the development of organizational excellence.
Integrity: All GCOST efforts will be transparent, good stewards of funds and dedicated to strong organizational governance.
We focus on the following for school age children:
- Quality out-of-school-time programs and services
- Community awareness about out-of-school-time programs and services
- Training for our members
- Increasing out-of-school-time program participation
Members of GCOST
- Black River United Way
- Carolina Human Reinvestment
- Child Evangelism Fellowship – Greater Pee Dee
- Department of Juvenile Justice – Georgetown
- Fit for Kids Child Care -Tidelands Health -Healthpoint Center for Health and Fitness
- Freedom Readers
- Georgetown County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
- Georgetown County Library
- Georgetown County Parks and Recreation
- Optimism Mentoring and Preventive Services, Inc.
- Purpose Kidz
- Teach My People
- The Village Group
- YMCA of Coastal Carolina
Advocacy (Click to Expand)
Advocacy Links
These links provide easy access to bills being considered and email access to state and federal elected officials:
These links provide easy access to website for local elected officials:
These sites provide advocacy resources focused on children and youth:
National Sites
- National School Boards Association – Advocacy Institute
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- The PEW Charitable Trusts
- National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- Center for American Progress
- JumpStart – Children First
- Military Child Education Coalition
- Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Women’s Law Center
- National Workforce Registry Alliance
- National League of Cities
- National Association of Counties
- National Association of State Boards of Education
- National Governors Association
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- Save the Children
- Save the Children Action Network
- Teach for America
- TESOL International Association
South Carolina Sites
- South Carolina School Boards Association
- Institute for Child Success
- Children’s Trust of South Carolina – Sign up for their Blog. It presents highlights and links to state initiatives.
- United Way Association of South Carolina
- South Carolina Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children
National Advocacy Site
Local Advocacy Site
Resources and Research
- Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation (Grants)
- Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina (List of Grants)
- Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina (Grants)
- Fundsnet (South Carolina Grants)
- Rural Health Information Hub (HRIhub)- South Carolina Funding Opportunities
- Administration for Children and Families (Grants and Funding)
- Children’s Bureau (Grants)
- The Gobal Fund for Children (Apply for a Grant)
- Educated Kids (W.K. Kellogg Foundation)
- South Carolina GrantWatch
- South Carolina Department of Education (LEA Programs for Neglected and Delinquent Children and Youth
- CNE (Grants)
- Michigan State University Libraries (Grants for Nonprofits: Children and Youth
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (Grants)-U.S. Department of Education
- American Indian College Fund
- First Five Years Fund
- Ounce of Prevention Fund
- Trust for Learning
- International Paper
- Walmart Foundation
- Dollar General Literacy Foundation
- Lowe’s Charitable Educational Foundation
Community Data
- Youth Community Connections Data Base 2019
- 2019 Kids County Data Book from Annie E. Casey
- 2018 Kids Count Data Book from Annie E. Casey
- Early Childcare Deserts
Family Engagement
- International Federation for Family Development
- National Network of Partnership Schools
- Support Resources for Families:
- Children’s Trust – Statewide Resource Network
- SC Thrive
- 211 United Way
NYSAN (New York State Advocacy Network)
Quality Self Assessment
Element 1: Environment and Climate Click to Expand
- Nature Rocks: Summer Activity Guide
- All Hazards Preparedness Guide
- Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center
- Bully Police: A Watchdog Organization – Advocating for Bullied Children & Reporting on State Anti Bullying Laws
- Ripple Kids – Great list of projects
- Seasonal Influenza: Printable Handouts available
- Swim Healthy, Swim Safely
- Family Support
- Meet and Greet Strategies
- Environmental Projects: The Roof is Growing
Element 2: Administration and Organization
- Family Engagement Ideas
- Keeping Attendance and Analysing Data about Afterschool Participation
- Great Resources for Parent Involvment
- South Carolina Laws, Regulations, and Policies for Childcare Providers
- South Carolina Childcare Licensing
- Starting Your Afterschool Program
- Start Up Guide for Afterschool Programs
- Personalized Salary Checking Website
- Salary Comparisons Website
- How to Create a Database in Excel
- Afterschool Activities – List
- Data Sharing Tip Sheets
- South Carolina School Food Service Program Reference Manual- Chapter 25– Afterschool Snack Program
- Seven Research-Based Ways that Families Promote Early Literacy
- Finding their Way: Family Engagement with Digital Math Helps Children Develop Spatial Skills
- Public Libraries: A Vital Space for Family Engagement
- What to Include in an Employee Handbook
- After-School Porgrams Parent Involvement Plan
Element 3: Relationships
- Play and Learn with Arthur: 100 Creative Activities to do with Children 3 to 6
- Conflict Resolution Skills: Managing and Resolving Conflict in a Positive Way
- Building Culturally Competent Organizations
- Decision Making Wheel Activity
- Measuring the Quality of Mentor-Youth Relationships: A Tool for Mentoring Programs
- Preventing Bullying and Cyber Bullying: A Guide for Students, Educators, and Administrators
- Strategies for Increasing Peer Social Interactions: Prompting and Acknowledgement
- Team Building Activities Focusing on Communication
- The Positive Discipline Model
- Two-Way Communication: A Teacher’s Practical Points
- Power Point on Cultural Competency: An Independent School Imperative
- Warning Signs for Bullying
Element 4: Staff and Professional Development
- Effective Adult Learning: A Tool Kit for Teaching Adults
- Ages and Stages of 4-H Youth Development
- The New York State School Age Care Credential Competency Standards for Afterschool Professionals
- Boring School Staff Meetings: Some Ideas
- Growing Our Own: Former Participants in Staff in Afterschool Youth Development Programs
- Core Competencies for Youth Professional Workers
- Identifying Staffing Needs and Recruiting Qualified After-School Staff
- National Afterschool Code of Ethics
- Effective PD that Lasts: How to Plan for Optimal Professional Development in Your School District
- DPS Professional Development Tracking Form
- Planning Considerations for Afterschool Professional Development
- Afterschool Training Tool Kit
- After Hours: Professional Development for Afterschool Staff
- Quality Standards
- When to Give Your Employee a Promotion or Not
Element 5: Resources and Research
- Afterschool – Keys to Happy Transitions Each Day
- Curriculum Databases
- Build a (Better) Global Afterschool Program
- Making Afterschool Programs Better
- National Ceter for Community Schools: Curriculum Planning Toolkit
- Displaying Student Work
- Children’s Work: Visibility Leads to Value
- Global Competence in Expanded Learning Time: A Guide for School Leaders
- Beyond the Chalkboard: Hundreds of Free Activities to Teach in Your Afterschool
- P21 Partnership for 21st Century Learning
- The Other and Othering: A Short Introduction
- Student Leadership Challenge
Element 6: Linkages Between Day & Afterschool
- Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success
- The Afterschool and Community School Connection: Expanding Learning Opportunities and Partnerships
- More than Just Another “To Do” on the List: The Benefits of Strong School, Principal, and Afterschool/Community Relationships
- The Common Core Standards: What do They Mean for Out of School Time?
- Managing and Organizing the Homework Envrionment
- Enhancing Service through Effective School/Community Collaboration
- 4 Steps to College
- Leading a Learning Community: What Principals Should Know and Be Able to Do
- Links to School Improvement
- Math Playground
- Mixing in Math
- Collaborating with Principals in Afterschool Programs
- Sample: School/Community Partner Agreement
- The Value of Out-of-School-Time Programs
Element 7: Youth Participation and Engagement
- Establishing Trust
- Exemplary Practices in Afterschool Program Development: Rubrics for Tracking Internal Processes
- Finding the Right Hook
- Five Tips to Help Children Develop Decision Making Skills
- Involving Children in Decision Making
- Improving Attendance and Retention in Out of School Time Programs
- What the Heck is Inquiry Based Learning?
- Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning
- Teamwork: Respecting Others
- The Leading Edge: Exploring Student Engagement Innovation (Power Point)
- What is Strengths Based Education?
- Youth-Adult Partnerships in the Evaluation Process
- At the Table: Making the Case for Youth in Decision Making
Element 8: Parent, Family, and Community Partnerships
- Building Community Partnerships: Tips for Out-of-School-Time Programs
- From Birth through Young Adulthood: A Blueprint for Collaboration between the Early Care and Education and Afterschool Systems in New York State
- Engage Youth, Families, and Community Members in Solution
- Family Reading Night: Facilitator’s Guide
- Increasing Family and Parent Engagement in After-School
- Afterschool: Supporting Family Involvement in Schools
- PTA Resource Guide from New York State
- Teaching Strategies to Involve Parents
- Tips for Talking with Parents about Developmental Concerns
Element 9: Program Sustainability and Growth
- Financing and Sustaining Out of School Time Programs in Rural Communnities
- Fiscal Fitness for Non-Profits
- Road to Sustainability
- The Sustainability Formula
- Thinking Broadly: Financing Strategies for Youth Programs
- Tips on Writing Proposals
- Marketing Afterschool
- Making a Case for Afterschool: Talking Points and Outreach Strategies
- 3 Tips to Promoting Your Afterschool
- The Best Ways to Communicate Your Organization’s Vision
- 4 Steps to Writing a Mission Statatement for your Childcare Program
- The Skill of Aligning Vision, Mission, and Goals
- How to Set Smart Goals to Grow Your After School Program
- Alignment Observation and Supervision Checklists
- 10 Tips for Aligning the Learning Day
- Using Research to Continuously Improve After School Programs: Helping Students to become 21st Century LIfelong Learners
- Creating and Running an Effective Advisory Board (Power Point)
- Stakeholder Communication: Tips from the States
- 5 Communication Tips for Education
Element 10: Measuring Outcomes and Evaluation
- Out of School time Evaluation Snapshot: Detangling Data: Methods for Gathering Data
- Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity
- Process Evaluations: A Guide for Out-of-School Time Practitioners
- Workbook A: Creating A Communications Plan
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
- Child Care Staff Evaluation
- What is the Aim of Continuous Improvement?
- Data Collection Techniques
- Measuring Youth Program Quality: A Quide to Assessment Tools, Second Edition
- Making Afterschool Programs Better
- Taking a Deeper Dive into Afterschool: Positive Outomes and Promsing Practices
- Afterschool Evaluation 101: How to Evaluate an Expanded learning Program
- Telling Your Assessment Story: How to Communicate Results
- How to Develop a Logic Model (Power Point)