Early Childcare Services

Who are we?
We are a group of early childcare regulatory and support organizations that work together to benefit young children in Georgetown County.
The following organizations send representatives to quarterly meetings convened by the Early Learning Council:
- Black River United Way
- Georgetown County Department of Social Services
- Georgetown County First Steps
- Georgetown County Library
- Georgetown County School District
- Help Me Grow SC
- Horry-Georgetown Technical College – Early Childhood Development Department
- Institute for Child Success
- Miss Ruby’s Kids
- PEAR (Partners for Early Attuned Relationships)
- South Carolina Child Care Resource and Referral
- South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative
- South Carolina Department of Social Services
- South Carolina Department of Social Services – ABC Quality
- South Carolina Department of Social Services – Licensing
- South Carolina First Steps
- South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association
- South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care
- South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care – Be Well Care Well
- Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council – Head Start and Early Head Start
What do we do?
Our goals are as follows:
Increase collaboration and coordination among early childcare services.
Increase opportunities to learn about services provided by members who represent state and local programs.