Early Childcare Providers

Who are we?
We are a group of early childcare providers who work together to increase the quality and sustainability of early childcare facilities in Georgetown County.
Find programs in Georgetown County by going to this link: SCChildcare.org and typing in the Zip Code for the area in which you are interested.
Andrews -29510
Georgetown – 29440
Murrells Inlet – 29576
Pawleys Island – 29585
Listed are 4 categories of child care programs based on the numbers of children they serve or whether they are public or private. Child Care Centers, Group Child Care Homes, and Family Child Care Homes are private and Georgetown County School District Classrooms are public.
Child Care Centers (C) – 13 or more children
Group Child Care Home (G) – 7-12 children
Family Child Care Home (F) – no more that 6 children
Georgetown County School District Classroom (S)
Type of preschool is designated by C- Centers; G-Group; F Family; and S-School
- Andrews Elementary 4K (S)
- Andrews Head Start (C)
- Little Smurfs Daycare (C)
- Little People Day Care (G)
- Patricia Greene (F)
- Trinity Christian Academy (C)
- Bessellieu’s Child Care (F)
- Bibleway Community Learning Center (C)
- Brown’s Ferry Elementary School 4K (S)
- Chastity McConnell (F)
- Choppee Head Start Center (C)
- Claudetta Hallman (F)
- East Carolina Learning Academy (C)
- Flowers Day Care (F)
- Georgetown Head Start (C)
- Georgetown Presbyterian Church Child Development Center (C)
- Kensington Kids (C)
- Kensington Elementary School 4K (S)
- Lisa Linnen Childcare (F)
- Lisa Scott (F)
- Little Leaders – Latoya Duncan (F)
- Maryville Elementary School 4K (S)
- McDonald Elementary School 3K (S)
- Mingo Creek Academy (C)
- Plantersville Elementary 3K (S)
- Pleasant Hill Elementary School 4K (S)
- Prince George Episcopal Church Preschool (C)
- Sampit Community Child Care Center (C)
- Sampit Elementary School (S)
- Shantana Myers (F)
- Syrmetiral Anderson (F)
- Small Minds of Tomorrow (C)
- Small Minds of Tomorrow II (C)
- The Learning Center (C)
- The Sunshine Place – Nicola Parker (G)
- Valerie Lance Child Care (F)
- Vanessa Robinson’s Child Care (F)
Pawleys Island and Murrells Inlet
- Ist Steps Infant Care (C)
- All Saints School (C)
- Belin Creative Learning(C)
- First Baptist Church Murrells Inlet Academy (C)
- Jacqueline Lewis (F)
- Laura Lynn Pierce (F)
- Montessori School of Pawleys Island (C)
- My Sunshine CDC (C)
- Pawleys Island Child Development Center (C)
- Pawleys Island Christian Academy (C)
- St. Peter’s Lutheran School (C)
- Waccamaw Elementary 4K (S)
What do we do?
Our goals are as follows:
- Increase collaboration among early childcare providers.
- Increase access to training opportunities and services for early childcare providers.
- Improve the quality of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs.